What are you working on now?

A new Science Fantasy series called The Starsea Cycle.

Why aren’t your books in Kindle Unlimited?

For several reasons. Amazon requires my books to be exclusive to them to participate in the program, which means I can’t sell on other platforms, like Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. My books wouldn’t even be made available to libraries.

In short, I don’t want to leave my readers who prefer to use other sites out in the cold. In the past when I tried out Kindle Unlimited, I actually made less money, and I don’t like the idea of being tied down to a single retailer who can change things on a whim.

Are Wasteland Chronicles/Xenoworld done?

Yes, those two series are concluded.

Is there a chance for more stories set in the WC/XS universe?

Of course! Be sure to check out Lost Angelwhich goes into Makara’s backstory. There might be other prequels, and I’ve thought of writing stuff set in between the two series, too. There is definitely a lot of ground to explore. Time is the limiting factor, though.

Where are the audiobooks for Starsea Cycle?

They are currently in production!

Have you ever considered turning Wasteland Chronicles/Xenoworld Saga into a movie or Netflix series?

Ah, if only it were that easy! I think some readers have a misconception that I’m a super popular author who just rakes in the money. I’m far from a point where anyone would consider turning my work into a live action series.

But hey, anything is possible. And if you really want to see a live-action series someday, the best way is to share my books with your friends and family.

How much money do you make per book?

It depends on the retailer and the price, but generally speaking, 70% per list price on an e-book and much less on an audiobook. Paperbacks I make $2-3 per sale.

What is the best way I can support you?

  1. Spread the word and let people know just how great you think my books are.
  2. Leave a good review! Reviews are super helpful for me as a writer and give my work social proof.

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